Thursday, October 17, 2024

Watch this!

 Watch this movie, if you want to be scared silly! It’s slightly campy, so not sure if I will be laughing or unable to sleep tonight! A movie like this should be made about Santeria! Let’s drag them, too! It’s long overdue, I would say!  I This shit is real though! know who could play the Santeria high priest and priestesses!

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Well well well!

 If it isn’t my arch rival’s kid sister! Hey, I see you have the same haircut from when you were three years old. Are you trying to look young and innocent, with that baby haircut? It’s not working. Neither is your weird disguise. Are you supposed to look 90 years old today, with your same haircut that you have had your entire life? Weird! You were wearing all that crazy makeup, but I still see the real hater that is sitting before me. Wow. The R-rs do not age well, at all! You are that ugly, inside and out! I have to tell the R-r sisters that your dark side is so very dark! I mean everyone has a dark side, to some degree,, but yours is crazy dark! Underneath that innocent looking exterior, are two witch bitches! You and Maeve and her friend group are weirdly all childless at 40+. I respect that, I guess, because it’s definitely for the best.  The Lord works in mysterious ways and you all should not bring children into the world. I am not even sure that you are 100% human. Maybe that’s why you don’t have any children. We don’t need anymore demons, like you, in the world!  It was great to meet your witch kid sister, Maeve! I have to say, that you are making my family look so completely sane! We look like saints ,compared to you and your family! 

You are 100% correct. Maeve! You did do more than me, for Trey! You moved across the country for him! You did your CrossFit workouts every damn day! You played Betty Homemaker. You won over his family and kept in their good graces. What could have been the problem? Maybe it was your family  Santeria spells and hexes? Do you think that could have been the problem? I don’t think he liked that very much! He finally saw an opening and he ran for his life! Good for him! He finally escaped!

I know that there is no guarantee that Trey and I will get together and stay together. I know that you will continue to do whatever you can, to sabotage our chances of moving on together. You have a group jinx going, at the very least! I really hope that my turn to make you pay, for the turmoil and abuse, you have caused me, comes around very soon!

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Top jokes about my situation lately

 I took my daughters to El Coyote restaurant in Old Town a few weekends ago and as we were walking in and sitting down, another restaurant patron yelled “Check please!” I thought I heard some people laughing. It is freaking other people out, especially if you are superstitious. No one needs this kind of additional stress in their lives. Many people think that I am a home wrecker who deserves every bit of this revenge mental abuse. This judgemental mindset and mockery is making my situation even worse. Nothing has gotten any better in 10 years. No one is communicating with me about any sort of help I may receive, People are just making jokes, acting like they could care less, or looking at me with hate filled eyes. Part of the problem is that Santeria isn’t a huge problem in Carlsbad. Very little is known about this and there is no specific law to prevent, end, or prosecute this. How much time, can one person serve for general criminal mischief? Another cause of ignorance to my situation is that no one can relate or have knowledge about what I am experiencing mentally, unless they have heard voices before. At the very least, this a 10 year psychotic break, that continues endlessly dragging me through this same story every day. It is Groundhog Day for me every day. I have been trying to get help and get through to people this whole time, but their reactions are not what I expected or hoped for.  Because of my schizoaffective disorder diagnosis, no one believes the story I am telling. The voices in my head are just a byproduct of my mental illness. My mental illness is not a mild one either, it’s the most debilitating mental illness someone could be diagnosed with. I am just a medication-resistant schizoaffective woman, right? Apparently, the medication is not working for me!  The abusive voices and the delusion of being targeted and hexed are classic textbook experiences resulting.from stubborn, treatment-resistant psychosis. On the other hand, if hexing is possible and powerful, it is the perfect form of attack, spying, and mental abuse that may never be fully realized, proven, or punished. Evil E has been getting away with this for 10 years now and I am so sick of this!

On the flip side, I sometimes sense that people have read my story and they identify me, as the person at the center of this. Yes, I am involved in some crazy shit because I was tempted to do something with someone that would cause harm to their romantic relationship and family. Mate poaching is a prosecutable offense in other states but thankfully not in California. Everyone is clinging to their partner more tightly, when they see me. The potential of being hexed or being the victim of a crime of passion is scaring people into staying with their original partners. I think the consensus now, is having an affair or dumping someone for someone out there, that you think is better, is dangerous!  Just stick with your original partner, it’s not worth the headache!

The joke that I heard while I was at the Pancake House this morning (don’t food or fat shame me for that) is referring to my situation as “The Latin Mission Impossible.” Take note, if this hex was investigated, it could possibly help the U.S. foresee potential attacks and get into the minds of opposing political leaders around the world. It’s easy espionage, without having to leave the United States! Let’s just go with that idea for the sake of our country’s safety! Just kidding for my sake! That’s all! Help me!

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Evil E and his crew in SD (2014)

 I was scrolling through E’s Instagram and I came across this god awful picture of Evil E and his crew of asshole friends from when he was living here in 2014. 2014 is the year, I believe, that E started hexing me. I apologize for the most horrible offensive part of this picture (the guy dressed as a Klan member or  maybe he’s a joint but he looks too similar to me. Could be both) ) E really was like The Proud Boys, when he was living in San Diego. He did not give a rip about racism towards other minority groups or the white supremacy of the douchebags he was rolling with. Just stand there and pose next to your Klan like a chump, E! He gives zero fucks. Idiot, he is and they are. But, look at these assholes! I know that people have the impression that I am racist because I looked at this Venezuelan guy E, thought he was evil looking, and created this whole bs story about it. But here we are, and these are all of his equally evil-looking,  intimidating white cronies. I hope they don’t see this blog or this doesn’t get back to them.  I see all sorts of evil this picture, a definite crime element, racism, misogyny, even rape. I do peg them for being rapists too. You are the company that you keep, so I am not surprised that Evil E was surrounding himself with the biggest assholes possible in 2014. I am sure they egged E on and were down to assist or have his back in his evil deeds. I am truly scared of all of the dudes pictured here.

And Happy Anniversary to me! It’s been 10 whole years since Evil E started hexing me ,still no one believes me, is helping me, or could stop him even if they did believe me.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Quit hexing my cat!

Don’t hex my cat, evil E-! This little cat is sitting here giving me a dirty look. She just tried to bite me, for no reason , which she never does. She came over crying because she wanted me to pet her. Then she got mad, all of a sudden, and tried to bite me. I did think this behavior was out of the ordinary so I do wonder if you are hexing her too. Do not hex anyone else in my family, including my cats! I do blame you (already) when weird shit happens with them because “you never know.”  If my cat bites me, it’s your fault completely! You seem to think that you can do whatever you want, to whom ever you want ,with no consequences. If you push it, as far as you can, because you think you can get away with it, (concerning me) I want to tell you to go for it. I am optimistic that you will eventually get caught and we will have more charges on you to keep you locked up longer. You, unabashedly making this so obvious and trying to taunt/talk directly to police officers, may be the nail in your coffin. I need a happy ending here. Wishful thinking and good vibes needed from anyone else reading this!

Monday, October 7, 2024

I truly am Astrid Deetz!

 I went to my friends Beetlejuice party on Saturday dressed as Astrid Deetz. Astrid was born into what was perceived by others, as a different or weird family. Her upbringing led her into the same odd, reclusive lifestyle. Unfortunately, her lack of positive social interactions, with her peers, during adolescence, had shaped her into a naive girl, who was an easy target for predators. Hopeless romantic that she was, and eager for companionship, she failed to see the red flags with the boy who was pursuing her. It was the worst case scenario possible. He was a manipulative, deceitful devil-in-disguise. She, like me, fell victim to an evil spirit with malicious intent. However, the dumb demon did not foresee, that she would realize the situation, in time, to turn it back on him. Spoiler alert: she, Beetlejuice, and her family, sent him back to hell in the end. 4 stars!

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Don’t tease me

 From my tormentors Instagram story.  At first I thought he was swimming with hammerhead sharks. (I don’t have my glasses on) Those are the wrong sort of sharks! This is not the ending I wanted for his Instagram story.  His pictures tonight are very reminiscent of the movie “Open Water,” without the satisfying ending. Oh well!