Tuesday, June 27, 2017


Esteban: Evil Esteban is still hexing you. Be forewarned.


Esteban: We hate you, so we are STILL hexing you.  Be forewarned. We are repeating ourselves, on purpose. Be forewarned.

Esteban: So, what are you thinking of doing... about Keith Spellman? Be forewarned. I heard that you were in love with Keith Spellman, and he does not love you back. Be forewarned. He does not love you back.

Federica: You are having a mid-life crisis. Be forewarned. How sad! This mirrors her schizoaffective disorder so perfectly! Be forewarned!

Esteban: Remember that every evil act is only a response to another evil act. Be forewarned.

Federica: We hate you so we hope that you gain weight!

Monday, June 26, 2017

June 26, 2017

The villainous voices are like piranhas. They are bloodthirsty.  They come at you from every direction and attack. It is a feeding frenzy. They do not stop until they are finished.  You are slowly devoured. It feels like an eternity before they shut up.  They leave behind a battered, bloody mess.