Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Good news!

The first good news, is that someone bought my book today!
Second, I tested negative for Covid antibodies!
Third, my dermatologist did not find any skin cancer
At my six month check up!
Despite being a hypochondriac,
All is well!


I googled a man,
Who was never interested in me
He’s s doing great!
Thanks for asking.


I hope that everyone
From my past is happy
Is just one more lie
I tell myself


A pill can only
Get you so far
Eventually you have to
Fill the hole in your soul

Monday, June 29, 2020


I prefer not see your bliss
You exude happiness 
Seeing you only reminds me 
Of what I missed

Friday, June 26, 2020


Leigh: Keith and I are not having children yet, but it has nothing to do with you, so be forewarned. Not that we want children...we want our freedom. Freedom to make love, at a moment’s notice. Freedom to travel and have fun together. That’s what we want. We don’t want what you have. You want what we have, so be forewarned! 

Leigh: No one knows why we always say that. (Be forewarned) You never explained how Keith said that to you, when we were starting to hex you. Be forewarned is the last thing Keith Spellman said or will ever say to you.  Keith warned you that we were coming for you...and now you can’t hear his voice anymore. You only hear us mocking you. Too bad! So sad! Not really! Ha!

Leigh: The good news is that he never really talked to you anyway, so be forewarned!

Federica: It sucks that you try to talk to a married man, through your blog. Be forewarned!

Alcohol definitely!


What is worse
Having no desire 
Or getting some back 
That you cannot fulfill?


Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The spectrum of my self image

The spectrum of my self image ranges from an overweight Syd Barrett, having shaved his own eyebrows off, all the way to my ideal doppelgänger  Kelly LeBrock, circa Weird Science. 

Saturday, June 20, 2020


I’m not sure
What to dream about today 
So many options 
Decisions, decisions 

Reality check

Why do my voices tell me that I will suffer a grave fate
And that you are my soul mate?

Voices lie
You are not going to die

You want to know the truth?
It’s not a poem and it doesn’t rhyme 

This is just the result of a broken brain
Trying to make sense out of nonsense 

There is no soulmate 
It’s just your own brain 

The brain is powerful and can make you believe almost anything 
That is why delusions are so hard to break

Friday, June 19, 2020

Boa Tarde Portugal!

In the last week, I have had over 60 page views from Portugal. I am flattered that you came back so many times.  😃  I would love to visit Portugal! 🇵🇹 

I was just reading about visiting Portugal and one tour website told me not too get too drunk or rush people or point at people. Good to know beforehand. No one likes a sloppy drunk.  Maybe the Portuguese are more polite than Americans?

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Term of the day: Schizophrenia prodrome


I am learning about schizophrenia prodrome today. It is amazing what you can learn from other mental patients! Schizophrenia prodrome is the period when one first begins to develop schizophrenia symptoms.  Many of my fellow friends with schizophrenia, went through prodrome in college, so we have a soft spot in our hearts and a lot of regrets about those years. The onset of schizophrenia messed with our heads, as well as, our plans for the future. I said just today that I cannot let those college years go. I am 45 years old and stuck in college mentally. I definitely want a do over!


Am I weak for fantasizing?
I wish that I was strong enough to be real 

Yes, I am reality challenged 
But, on the other hand, it is harmless to daydream

Leigh: I am real! I am so much younger than you, so be forewarned! I hate you, so be forewarned! I am whispering, so no one can hear me but you! No one will ever know that I am hexing you and that I talk shit to you whenever I want, so be forewarned. Hmmm. How am I doing what I am doing? You will never know.


A poem stolen from a friend 
It’s an ode to being lonely and 40-something years old


Some people can make you feel 
Good about yourself 
But they are already hooked up 
With somebody else

Monday, June 15, 2020


Facebook is definitely a trip
A trip through doors closed long ago
A trip through paths not taken
A bunch of people seemingly saying
“Look at what you could have had
This is what you are missing!“
I have had to block so many Facebook “friends”
Why did I sign up for this?
I am addicted to Facebook but tired of trying to keep up
Time to quit 

Disguise (a poem)

The illness of schizophrenia
Is a master of disguise 
It’s always something new
That you can never prove

- A friend in the struggle 

People with no kids

People with no kids will be like 
You wanna go to Santorini this Sunday?

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Watchless (most definitely plagiarized)

Watchless (A poem)

Wearing a watch
Is not for me
Because there is nowhere pressing 
I have to be.

-Stolen from a friend 

Things I have never done

1. Snowboarding 
2 Been to a nude beach 
3 Snorkeling 
4 Parachuting
5 Bungee Jumping
6 Zip lining 
7 rock climbing 
8 Surfing

Not my bucket list. These could also be considered dumb ways to die.

Quote from a friend in the struggle: Your life is crap if you think things with your ex were great. Don’t look back or dream of the afterlife. Live in the present!

I know this much is true (ending.)


Spoiler alert: The paranoid schizophrenic character dies in the final episode. He didn't even last an hour unattended, after he was released from the mental hospital. This portrayal of Schizophrenic people is actually very antiquated. Our meds work very well for many of us. When I take my meds, I function very well. I take care of my own needs, in addition to that of my children. (with the help of their father too, of course) 

I am still waiting for a portrayal of a SZ person, as the protagonist of a movie. Oh wait, maybe I should write one myself! This was an interesting movie, with a lot of cultural parallels to my life. As an Italian-Irish American, I was raised Catholic, like the twins in this series. My mother's Irish side of the family claimed to have a Native-American ancestor, like in the movie also! Spolier alert: In the end, Dominick finds out that he and his twin brother are really part Native American. 

I guess this story is fiction? I was led to believe that this was a true story, but now I am second guessing it. I did think it made for a cool ending though. I cried. 

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Comedy Classic 2020


Yes I might watch this. I also might get bored and fall asleep. Are we all growing so old? I can see Alex Winter has a bald spot now. LOL

Snake oil salesman

I don't want to stir up too much controversy or disappoint any of my special needs mom friends, but I do not believe we could or should try to detox our Autistic children from their vaccines. There are local, naturopath "doctors" advocating their services and hawking these bogus products that have not been tested or proven by the FDA. My husband is a chemist who used to work for the FDA, so I am listening to him. Vaccines do not have any toxins. To detox from childhood vaccines, one would have to replace their blood and internal organs anyway. 


Saturday, June 6, 2020

Friday, June 5, 2020

Meme for the witches

No kidding! Sage it up! 2020 I would love to get rid of the bad juju surrounding me!

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Hello Plagscan!

A plagiarism checking site has been viewing my blog. I share videos and memes a lot here, but my story is copyrighted and my dialogue is original. (So take that Plagscan!) Does anyone out there seriously think that I am plagiarizing them? My story has already been written once. The Voices by Danielle Flore is available on Amazon. Please buy it.

If nothing else, my story is original and is based on my
mental health journey. All of my dialogue comes from my own brain guaranteed! I copyrighted my material through Trademark Engine many years ago and they will notify me if anyone tries to steal my material. So be forewarned!