Thursday, November 30, 2017

Definately going to watch this! I do not want to get my hopes up too high. I will probably be offended.  I don't think it will be a flattering portrayal of mental illness. (no movies ever are) Spanx? Thanks. Pffft! Love Jennifer Garner though!

Monday, November 27, 2017

It is frightening to admit that I suffered from anosognosia so badly at one point that I fully believed my delusion. I didn't realize that I was sick. I kept flushing my medications down the toilet, upon the command of my voices. I could not see how badly I needed to take my medications. I had no insight into my illness. I am blessed to be in a much better place today.  I am well-medicated. I am lucid. I am high-functioning. I still wrestle with this side-effect of my schizoaffective disorder, occassionally. I will probably always wrestle with believing my delusion on stressful days of voice-hearing.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

11/23/2017 (Driving home from Thanksgiving)

Leigh: We hate you so we are hexing you. Be forewarned.

Esteban: We are not done hexing you yet! Be forewarned.

Federica: How sad! It has been five years, since we started hexing you, and we are not done with you yet! Be forewarned!

The voices sang over the music, on the radio, the entire way home from Thanksgiving. The drive was an hour and a half long.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Buckeye Police create registry program for individuals with autism, other disabilities.

OMG I would never wear a wristband saying I am schizophrenic. How embarassing! Oddly enough, when I was not taking my meds in 2014, I drove to Arizona, until I ran out of gas. I did not have my purse, or any money with me. I ran out of gas in Gila Bend and called the cops numerous times making no sense at all. I kept telling them that my house was being hexed. I was bummed that they did not drive over to help me. Looking back, I am glad they didn't drive out. Things could have been much worse if the cops were involved. The dispatcher surmised that my car died and advised me to call AAA.  AAA then towed me to Buckeye. Buckeye was like a modern day ghost town. The people I met in Buckeye were good to me, lending me money, and letting me use their phone to get help. Fortunately I have family in Scottsdale who came to help me. This article just flashed me back to when I was lost in Buckeye. I do think Buckeye needs to figure out a better solution than forcing Autistic and mentally ill people to wear wristbands so they do not get attacked by local police officers.

Monday, November 20, 2017

People post this stuff just to irritate me! Not all Christians/Catholics are racist. We try to be good people. Why would you want to make someone less religious? This is bogus research anyway!

Sunday, November 19, 2017

This is totally offensive! These women are using "religion" to get away with crime. Of course, they are from Northern California! What a joke! Of course, they are not actually Christian or Catholic! There is a stigma about pot for a reason. It is harmful!

Ok sorry for ranting so much about pot so much. LOL

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Again, we are seeing more research pointing to marijuana avoidance decreasing your risk of developing schizophrenia. I have been hurt by my adolescent marijuana use. I do not believe it to be this "perfect drug." It is just a dumb drug. I am considering going completely, straight-edge sober. I am sick of arguing with marijuana proponents about what is a better or less harmful drug. (Marijuana or alcohol) A drug is a drug. Just because marijuana has been legalized, doesn't mean it is some "wonder drug." It is still a street drug to me. Don't believe the hype (about marijuana)!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Here is a list of some potentially great pharmaceutical medications in development this year. They range from adolescent schizophrenia medication to postpartum depression to numerous drug use disorders. I am grateful to the chemists at pharmaceutical companies who work towards producing pharmaceutical drugs that improve modern medicine! I feel hopeful knowing someone out there is working to improve the lives of people struggling with mental illness and substance abuse.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Sorry for the dry, educational video here. My purpose for posting this video is to show that there is a big difference between psychotic and psychopathic.
"I am not a monster!" This woman is an inspiration!

I had a similar experience as her with the police. I called them for help and they ended up handcuffing me and sitting me in the back of their police car to transport me to the mental health clinic. It was very embarrassing and over the top. I wish they would handle mental health patients differently and with less force. I feel like the police are scared of every one of us and they shouldn't be. I was not fighting them. I was cooperating with them.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

I suppose things could be worse.  I could be locked away in a mental institution, like this woman, being asked stupid questions. Things have improved so much in terms of psychiatric medication and care. I noticed her voices stopped when SHE started talking. That goes to show the importance of talk therapy. How sad! She cannot remember the last time her family has visited her.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

All this talk about sexual harassment has got me thinking! I identified with this story and related it to Keith Spellman. He grabbed me once in college too. Was he/is he a pig? He is no saint! I do not know why I zeroed in on him as being "the one who got away." He (like Dustin Hoffman, in this article) wanted me to like him. I was flattered at first and excused his bad behavior. He has done many inappropriate things, as a married man, to another married woman. Why does Keith drive around my neighborhood looking for me? Why do some men look at women besides their wives? Keep focused on your wife and your life! I feel like he is not dangerous physically, but he is dangerous to my marriage. He is the attempted homewrecker in this scenario! He started it all!