Friday, August 4, 2017


So I went on this website called Disqus to their World Religions forum because I am interested in that. They claim to welcome all religions and viewpoints. I fell for that trap and got into a fight with this crazy "Pagan" woman who tore me to shreds because I am Catholic. That encounter triggered voices. She was nuts and strangely, alot like Federica.

Federica: Stupid bitch! So, what are you thinking of doing about Keith Spellman? That was me talking to you on Disqus. I am a Pagan!  What a hypocrite you are! Why do you support a pedophile religion? A pedophile Pope? Pedophilia and little boys for tea time. Be forewarned. Are you a mother? Seriously, think! I am against pedophilia and doublefaced people like you. You are hiding behind your religion because you are insecure. Did you go to Catholic school? Sick! Sick! Sick! I am not talking to you anymore. Stupid bitch! Keep going on Disqus and be yelled at by Athiests and "Pagans," so I can keep hexing you! I am not done with you yet. Be forewarned!