Friday, May 19, 2023

Feeling a certain way tonight

 So I am usually paranoid concerning my future and my love life. Usually my paranoia is baseless…most likely. Tonight I want to vent about something else that is giving me situational paranoia which I believe is unrelated to my mental illness. As I have discussed before, I was raised Catholic and I aspired to continue that practice throughout my life. Well things happened. I married someone who just admitted after many years that he never considered himself a Catholic. His parents dragged him to church every Sunday and raised him to be Catholic. But as an adult he found for himself that he does not share the same beliefs as Catholics. He is a scientist by profession. He believes in evolution and things that he has found to be proven by science. At a certain point in time, my children were In Catholic school with other Catholics. I hoped that they would attend Catholic school and be raised Catholic. However Due to My children’s special needs we instead found ourselves in public schools. Public education has all the resources we need and has been beneficial to my children in many ways. My public school parent experience has brought me into contact with other parents from many different walks of life. I always loved people very different from me. I have always felt that if they are nice to me and there is a connection well that is all that matters. But sometimes I am struck with how different we all are. I have had a negative experience with someone who I thought was sort of a friend. But then I realized that he is the type of person who would not be friends with me if I ever copped to being Catholic. He didn’t know I was Catholic and he doesn’t like Catholics. Therein lies the problem. He makes Catholic jokes and Irish jokes. Some of our mutual friends think this is socially acceptable and even egg him on. I am very angry at this person for his jokes and I actually unfriended him on Facebook. Before I unfriended him for good we had a few negative interactions on Facebook in April. Our relationship just soured after I reacted to his jokes and took an indirect potshot at him. Needless to say he got my joke and he has been going postal on me every since. We both have three children on the Autism spectrum but unlike me, he always plays the sympathy card and it works. Every one loves this kook and feels sympathy for him. Not one person has taken my side in our little tiff. It’s insane. He has been going around my children’s school campaigning for sympathy and telling his side of the story. Talk about passive aggressive. He is a little bitch. He has such a huge ego that he hates to be challenged by a woman especially. He is and will always be a democrat Donald Trump. So someone bought my book The Voices on Amazon during this time. He left me an anonymous one star review. I know exactly who it is! What a dick! My book about my mental health journey is called The Voices by Danielle Flore. I am selling it on Amazon. May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Please buy my book and leave a positive review if possible. Ok end of rant.

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