Even if you have a lot of room to grow in terms of fathering/participating in your children’s lives, you have to be feeling like a better father than Rex Huermann right now. He is making many fathers look a lot better. Two days before Father’s Day Rex’s prosecutor had a press conference humiliating Rex’s daughter at the very least, about her computer search history while she was a minor and living in their familial home. If she had nothing to do with anything or knew nothing about his father’s alleged double life and she was just an eccentric teenager with possible psychological issues, her issues were no doubt magnified at first hearing the news about her father’s charges/arrest. Now she must feel even more devastated, as if she could hurt anymore.. I hope that someone is helping her psychologically during this time. I do worry about her right now and I do believe she will benefit from counseling and medication for the rest of her life. She is a victim of her father no doubt. I don’t know what the family knows, but looking at pornography is actually a threat to all teenagers and anyone who has access to the internet. There is a lot of crap on the internet that is harmful to the average person. Porn, in any form, is detrimental to our minds, the way we view the world, and the way we behave in relationships. What makes the porn that Huermanns attorney looks at any safer or acceptable than what she has been allegedly found browsing? It’s all bad but many persons would hate for you to take away their access to pornography. That’s just my point of view, in case you were wondering.
I also want to say that as a female, and a mother, I recognize and appreciate the fact that Mother’s Day comes before Fathers Day in the American calendar year. When your husband, partner, or simply the father of your children does nothing for you on Mother’s Day, you can always match his energy on Fathers Day. It’s good to see his attitude and pattern of effort or lack thereof so you can reciprocate it when his day comes up. I appreciate the father’s of the world who are present and actively parenting to the best of their ability though. I do understand that the way that we were parented has a marked effect on the way we are as parents. We are in a new era now, where more is expected of us in terms of parenting. We need to establish new healthy relationships and contributions as parents to their children, even when our childhood and parent influence might have been less positive and pleasant.
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