Saturday, July 13, 2024

What in the actual F?

Donald Trump was supposed to die today, not Richard Simmons! What a sweet and gentle man! Richard Simmons was an inspiration. I too, was an obese and verbally bullied child! I wish I had started taking accountability for my weight sooner but, as a child, I didn’t know any better…until I did. Kids all start giving more of a damn about their appearance once puberty hits. But I appreciated Richard’s spirit, motivation, and positivity. RIP

On a different note, turnabout is fair play. Who was trying to throw Alec Baldwin in jail for doing an on point and hilarious impersonation of Donald Trump? It’s so crazy! These are just jokes, folks. He speaks the truth though. In America we have freedom of speech because of our democracy. Fringe lunatics be damned! This is proof that we need Democrats at the highest levels of office in America, to ensure we don’t move towards a Trump totalitarian dictatorship! Glad Alec Baldwin got out of that mess, because he was apparently being framed?! Well, at least, we have fodder for a brand new episode of SNL! Thanks!

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