Sunday, February 28, 2021

Lately the voices have been very quiet.

Valentina: She thinks she’s skinny but she is so fat!

Maeve: Yes, why does she think that she is thin? Why does she think she looks good? You don’t look good! 

However, the female voices were taunting me the other night when I was half asleep. I woke up to this the other night. They were saying that I think I am skinny, but I am really fat. Why do I think that I am looking pretty good? Why am I self confident at all? I don’t have a good answer to that. If the voices had their way, I would feel terrible about myself all the time. 

All I can say back to the voices is that I take an antipsychotic, which makes maintaining my goal weight a struggle, but I am working on it. I try not to focus on my weight. I also try to get my 10,000 steps in daily! I feel good when I exercise and eat fairly healthy. When I eat unhealthy, I beat myself up so I don’t need internal voices or exterior people bugging me about it!

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