Thursday, May 23, 2024

I definitely have a type!

 I was in high school when a friend called my bluff for telling her that I wasn’t attracted to Robert Plant. I said that wasn’t attracted to anyone in Led Zeppelin. She told everyone in high school who would listen that I was a liar and a Led Zeppelin poser! Anyway I do have a pattern of being attracted to men with wild blonde lions mane wild curly hair.  He’s not even wearing any shorts or pants here. Even if Robert Plant weren’t a famous rock star, he would still be very popular with women, as he is objectively good looking.  The men that I have desired the most in my life all look a bit like Robert Plant.. They definitely have a great and full head of hair! As I draw closer to 50 years old, the pool of men my age who  look like the man in this picture has shrank to a small muddy pool. My hair is graying along with the men my age. I color my hair but want a man to fall in love and age with someone who loves me for me and would let me age naturally like he is. True non conditional love is letting someone age and continuing to love them and be kind and loyal to them. But what do I know? I want to connect with someone who I am attracted to from the get go like men always do. I’m a total hypocrite because there is a fine line in regards to what I will put up with. In terms of letting yourself go, there is a limit to my tolerance level. My husband’s weight climbed to almost 400 pounds during our marriage. I also want to make sure I don’t hook up with someone who doesn’t care about keeping the sparks flying in our relationship which requires effort.  I would draw a line in the sand as shallow as that sounds. Men leave relationships for that reason all the time and get raked over the coals when they admit it. I’m just saying, two can play that game.  Women’s  satisfaction in a romantic relationship also involves feeling attracted to their partner. That’s all!

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