Wednesday, July 14, 2021

The Voices For Vella (episode 1)

I went to the Amazon Kindle website, to check if anyone new had bought my book, or left a positive review. I left the website disappointed tonight, as there was no change. Aside from the one mental health worker who gave me a positive review, a few years back, I didn't see anything new. A voice then crept in to harass me, it was Valentina.

Valentina: No one is interested in buying your crappy book. Your one review was merely a courtesy, pat-on-the-back from a mental health worker, who felt sorry for you. Get over yourself! Are you still reminiscing about Trey Sanders? He is staying with his lovely wife in Santa Cruz. Don't you get it? His relationship, with his wife, is not the product of a Love Spell. He loves his wife and she loves him! You see their pictures splashed all over social media. What part of "Til Death Do Us Part," do you not understand?

Maeve: How dare you paint us as witches, in your writing? You have a lot of nerve. Your relationship, or whatever that was, ended in college. Why can't you just let it go? Trey is now happily married and I am completely enraptured with my husband! The sun rises and sets with my man! Therefore, I will never let him go! You can't have him. If you continue to cyberstalk us, and hold onto hope of a relationship, that will never be, you will continue to hear our voices in your head! In other words, we will continue to hex you, so be forewarned. This is what is going to continue to happen, we will hex you and harass you, day in and day out, for the rest of your life. You will never have silence. You will never have a private moment to reminisce about old times with Trey, or to plot peeling him away from me. That will never happen, by the way!

Matteo: OK Karen, I mean Chiara. This tight-knit, loving, Venezuelan, family does not practice Santeria! You have been casting my family, in a negative light, through your writings. We don't practice black magic. We are minding our business and leading very busy lives, far away from you! Valentina and I even moved back to Venezuela and you still fear us! You have to figure out how to stop the voices in your head, on your own. You are hearing voices in your head, because of your mental illness and your ill-fated attempt to steal another woman's husband! If you backed off hunting a married man, and focused on your own life, we probably wouldn't be speaking to you, in your head right now! Who knows? Your stress level and guilt level might also magically dissipate, if you just listened to us.

So, that was what the voices had to say to me tonight. I think they are finished for the night, but I never know, for sure. Very often, as I creep away from the keyboard and get comfortable somewhere else, the voices, oftentimes start up again, harassing me and sneaking in all the comments that they wanted to secretly torture me with. So many hurtful jabs take place, when I am away from my computer and am unable to document it. Many nights, I drift off to sleep, hearing voices, and forget what was said, the following morning. The voices hate it when I blast out their evil comments to the world. They prefer that I keep my story to myself and they get very aggravated by my story-telling. I think they are mortified of my accusations and even more afraid that they could be held accountable for their actions. I wish that they could be held accountable, but in the meantime, I would just love the voices in my head, to somehow, be silenced for good.

*I probably will not publish another episode on Vella if no one is interested in reading it or creeped out by it. LOL

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