Sunday, September 24, 2023

I am on Reddit

 Ok so I am on Reddit now anonymously (Flashback Daydream) which is definitely the way to go. You have every kind of anonymous asshole on Reddit. I joined a N County San Diego group to see what is happening locally and it confirmed what I have believed all along. I have lived here since I graduated college around 1999. I still feel like a tourist. People think I look like one too. It is a literal desert for diversity here. So some of the answers to this particular redditors question were pretty rude. They replied that homosexuality is not something to be proud of, so you don’t see too many outwardly gay people around here. Someone else said you don’t need to find a gay friendly space for your wife, you need to find a divorce attorney. Anyway,  it was my mothers idea to vacate Los Angeles for San Diego. I was unemployed, so she convinced me to move with her and my Dad. She said no one will rent to you with out a steady paycheck. Her and my father owned apartment buildings up there but living in one of their units was not an option, I guess. My mother thought San Diego was beautiful and her side of the family had already moved down here. I just always considered it white flight, in a way. Who are we trying to get away from and are the people in San Diego any better or nicer.? I met alot of blonde, white people down here. Many had all kinds of addiction problems and they definitely thought they were better than me, a dark haired curly Italian looking gal. I felt like the darkest person down here for a long time! A second class citizen, for sure! But I was looking around at the beach crowd like, ok girl between your hair bleach, your flat iron, and possibly from surfing, your hair is fried to a crisp! At least my hair looks healthy and I was very resistant to do what all those other girls did to look so beachy and California. I met a ton of girls with every kind of eating disorder but growing up in California, that was not new. I do feel that N County San Diego is a desert for minorities and people with alternative lifestyles. Who wants to stand out here? Conformity is the norm. I have made friends with other people in a similar space as me, over the years. A support system of nice people but I don’t know if I will ever feel completely at home here. I have known for years that my children are unique. They are all on the autism spectrum and super sweet. I do think they may all be LGBTQ+ or open minded about the issue, so I don’t know if this environment is the best for them. I said it before and I will say it again. I should have moved to Santa Cruz a long time ago.

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