Saturday, August 17, 2024

Our weird high efficiency clothes washer

 I have noticed a pattern with our clothes washer. It occasionally doesn’t work for me. I am completely unable to start it. It’s frustrating to ask for Stephen’s help to get it to start.

Today, as I was struggling to start the washer, I had an epiphany! My clothes washer is definitely a she/her. This confirmed to me yet again why I still haven’t thrown in the towel with men and most likely will not ever. Excuse for me sounding a bit pick me/musogynistic, but males are so much easier to start up. You gently brush past them, push against them gently and you’re on your way. Females are so much work! You have to touch them all over repeatedly, ,trying to figure out the pattern to get them going. I have to struggle and struggle to get her/my clothes washer going . It’s so frustrating. It know it’s just going to take as long as it takes. Sometimes, it works and sometimes it doesn’t. I mean I don’t think I personally have that problem though.  If I am with an equally skilled partner who I am attracted to, I too will react and enjoy myself.  This predicament signifies to me how much I appreciate the beautiful simplicity of turning men on.

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