You are a wimp, sir, and a total let down. You are an idiot! Your game is weaker than weak. I’m not attracted to idiots. You are not making yourself attractive to me. I could choose someone else or remain alone. You never believed me. I am just crazy and it didn’t affect you in any way shape, or form, so you did nothing to help or comfort me. This is your fault! Why have only I been made to suffer for your sneakiness and your wandering eye? You were more concerned about your reputation, appearances, and sexual convenience. so you remained married to your witch wife. Unbeknownst to your wife, you had been second guessing your marriage off and on since the beginning. “Should I Stay Or Should I Go?!” I mean you never had the courage to make your move, so we never actually consummated an affair. I never deserved all of this chaos, mental, emotional, and physical abuse from you and your crazy in laws, that continues to this day. You are a dichotomy. On the surface, you appear to be intelligent. You graduated medical school and became a successful radiologist. In regards to me, you are brain dead though. This leads me to wonder just how many other ways are you brain dead?
Why is it so hard to show up and make direct contact with me? You know where I live and my schedule, because you stalk me. I should just ignore you. Paying attention to your distractions are what has destroyed my marriage and led me to the broken place I am now. You and your wife never had children of your own and you probably didn’t want any. I know that I made the right decision to marry someone who wanted children. I knew that I wanted children and I am so happy that I was able to fulfill my dream. I have never and will never regret that decision. Thanks to my husband. Choosing you in my younger years would have ended up in heartbreak because you would be stringing me along, when you knew all along that you were just stalling because you didn’t want children of your own.
Your half-assed attempts at wooing me are laughable. Your wife’s evil family antics have brought me a lot of attention from other men. I do have options. Your jokes are cruel and unfunny. You have spent a lifetime being obsessed with me and making me the butt of your jokes. You might need hypnosis to get over your negative stalker obsession with me. I am sure that there are a million hypnotherapists is Santa Cruz. You probably know one. You should utilize their services. You always point the finger at me like this is my fault! You are pathetic! Absolutely pathetic! I know a lot of men here locally are thinking, “Why are they fighting over him? He’s not worth it. He was never interested enough in her, to be in a relationship with her, and now he’s coming around to make her think that she’s the one he always wanted. And then he keeps acting like an asshole and publicly humiliating her? He’s not worth leaving her husband, much less fighting over. This crazy situation should be a lesson to everyone, choose your spouse carefully and make sure that you are feeling all the feels from the get-go. Make sure that you really can see yourself with this person for the long haul. Look what happens when you don’t do enough vetting of your future spouse! Look what happens when you get carried away ruminating, reminiscing about and romanticizing people from your past? Look what happens when you start having an emotional affair and it snowballs out of control!
You were making fun of me today, while you were sitting on the bus stop? You are worthless! You want me to rescue you? I bet you do. You want me to make the first move? I bet you do. I’m sorry, but I will not do that. A man would have to approach me, ask for my phone number, ask me out, and make the first move. I am not interested in a man who is incapable of doing that. Maybe I am too stubborn and too old-fashioned. On my tombstone it will probably read, “She died after waiting a lifetime for Keith, her secret admirer from college, to see her, smile and say “hello.” I don’t get it, though. You left your wife and now you are here in Carlsbad. Now you are free…to make fun of me? I am not interested in beginning a relationship with any man who acts as awful as you are acting right now. I deserve better than that. You are immature, unfunny, cruel, and clueless, Keith. Im sorry, but it’s true!
Federica: You’re pathetic! Maybe the reason he hasn’t made contact with you yet is because he is still married to my cousin! It’s not too late for them, if you stay in your lane, mind your own business, and let them work this out! Be forewarned! We do not understand why Trey would leave our beautiful cousin, who is better than you in every way, for a complete slob like you! It’s mind boggling! He has terrible taste in affair partners, but to each his own. Just wait until he does officially divorce Maeve, in order to hook up with you, At that point, his wrath will really kick in. Be forewarned!