Sunday, January 19, 2025

I don’t get you at all…

 You are a wimp, sir, and a total let down. You are an idiot! Your game is weaker than weak. I’m not attracted to idiots. You are not making yourself attractive to me. I could choose someone else or remain alone. You never believed me. I am just crazy and it didn’t affect you in any way shape, or form,  so you did nothing to help or comfort me.  This is your fault!  Why have only I been made to suffer for your sneakiness and your wandering eye? You were more concerned about your reputation, appearances, and sexual convenience. so you remained married to your witch wife. Unbeknownst to your wife, you had been second guessing your marriage off and  on since the beginning. “Should I Stay Or Should I Go?!” I mean you never had the courage to make your move, so we never actually consummated an affair. I never deserved all of this chaos, mental, emotional, and physical abuse from you and your crazy in laws, that continues to this day.  You are a dichotomy. On the surface, you appear to be intelligent. You graduated medical school and became a successful radiologist. In regards to me, you are brain dead though. This leads me to wonder just how many other ways are you brain dead? 

Why is it so hard to show up and make direct contact with me? You know where I live and my schedule, because you stalk me. I should just ignore you. Paying attention to your distractions are what has destroyed my marriage and led me to the broken place I am now. You and your wife never had children of your own and you probably didn’t want any.  I know that I made the right decision to marry someone who wanted children. I knew that I wanted children and I am so happy that I was able to fulfill my dream. I have never and will never regret that decision.  Thanks to my husband. Choosing you in my younger years would have ended up in heartbreak because you would be stringing me along, when you knew all along that you were just stalling because you didn’t want children of your own. 

Your half-assed attempts at wooing me are laughable. Your wife’s evil family antics have brought me a lot of attention from other men. I do have options. Your jokes are cruel and unfunny. You have spent a lifetime being obsessed with me and making me the butt of your jokes. You might need hypnosis to get over your negative stalker obsession with me. I am sure that there are a million hypnotherapists is Santa Cruz. You probably know one. You should utilize their services.  You always point the finger at me like this is my fault! You are pathetic!  Absolutely pathetic! I know a lot of men here locally are thinking, “Why are they fighting over him? He’s not worth it. He was never interested enough in her, to be in a relationship with her, and now he’s coming around to make her think that she’s the one he always wanted. And then he keeps acting like an asshole and publicly humiliating her?  He’s not worth leaving her husband, much less fighting over. This crazy situation should be a lesson to everyone, choose your spouse carefully and make sure that you are feeling all the feels from the get-go. Make sure that you really can see yourself with this person for the long haul. Look what happens when you don’t do enough vetting of your future spouse! Look what happens when you get carried away ruminating, reminiscing about and romanticizing people from your past? Look what happens when you start having an emotional affair and it snowballs out of control!

You were making fun of me today, while you were sitting on the bus stop? You are worthless! You want me to rescue you? I bet you do. You want me to make the first move? I bet you do. I’m sorry, but I will not do that. A man would have to approach me, ask for my phone number, ask me out, and make the first move. I am not interested in a man who is incapable of doing that. Maybe I am too stubborn and too old-fashioned. On my tombstone it will probably read, “She died after waiting a lifetime for Keith, her secret admirer from college, to see her, smile and say “hello.” I don’t get it, though. You left your wife and now you are here in Carlsbad. Now you are free…to make fun of me? I am not interested in beginning a relationship with any man who acts as awful as you are acting right now. I deserve better than that. You are immature, unfunny, cruel, and clueless, Keith. Im sorry, but it’s true!

Federica: You’re pathetic! Maybe the reason he hasn’t made contact with you yet is because he is still married to my cousin! It’s not too late for them, if you stay in your lane, mind your own business, and let them work this out! Be forewarned! We do not understand why Trey would leave our beautiful cousin, who is better than you in every way, for a complete slob like you!  It’s mind boggling! He has terrible taste in affair partners, but to each his own.  Just wait until he does officially divorce Maeve, in order to hook up with you, At that point, his wrath will really kick in. Be forewarned!

Saturday, January 18, 2025

“I will probably kill you…”

 Esteban: I will probably kill you, before I am arrested.”  This is what Esteban said to me a few minutes ago.

Earlier this morning, I got my daughters into the car to take them out to breakfast. I pulled up to Rancho Santa Fe. Rd. facing West and  into the left turn lane. As I was pulling up to the light, the sun was shining bright into my eyes. I could not see past the bright light and was shielding my eyes. When I periodically looked up, I noticed that I could see the turn signal further to the left or the light. There are actually two turn signals at this intersection. Since the main overhead light was hidden by the sun, I was relying on the other light. A woman pulled up next to  me in the next turn lane. I looked up again and I saw the turn light was green. So I put my foot on the accelerator and moved forward into the intersection. Then I looked to the left and a car was coming at me. This was on Rancho Santa Fe. Rd. where cars drive around 50 miles per hour. I have always thought that the speed limit was too high on this street. People move so fast that it makes it difficult to stop at a red light. Many people just run the red light to avoid slowing down. So anyway, I was in the middle of the intersection and saw cars coming at me, so I looked back and reversed to safety before any cars flying by clipped us or possibly killed me and my daughters. When I looked back at the other driver, she didn’t look back at me or react. She knew the light was red and she was just sitting at the red light on her phone.

 One could say, it was sunrise and I got mixed up because of the sun shining into my eyes. Or you could say, that Esteban played a trick on me. He may have covered my eyes and created some green light hallucination so I would drive “towards the light and to our death.” Later Esteban laughed and warned me that he will probably “Kill me” before he gets arrested. Good to know!

Monday, January 13, 2025

Our love story

I can’t tell if our love story is more like the Betty Broderick story or Fatal Attraction. When I was in junior high school, my family and I went on vacation to Canada. We were staying at The Chateau at Lake Louise. There wasn’t much to do, but enjoy the scenery.  When we were in our hotel room at night, I noticed that the hotel didn’t have any good tv channels. They had one porn channel that we obviously didn’t want to watch. They also had Fatal Attraction on repeat. There were no other movies, just Fatal Attraction. This movie creeped me out and triggered my anxiety then and even more so now. I now know firsthand, the lengths people will go to punish romantic rivals who tempt their husbands. Affairs and mate poaching are always a total train wreck! Husbands/cheaters always assume that the affair partner will go along with their sexual shenanigans, enjoy the casual sex, and go away easily. Women are different than men though. I know my libido is much weaker than any mans. I need to know the person. I need to like the person. I want to respect and trust them ultimately, as well. Women are wired to look for mates who are kind, supportive, and good providers. We think very long term.  Think “life mates” Delusion me also hopes for eventually finding a “soulmate.” I always have been totally confused and shocked the more I learned how different women are from men. The deceit and sneaking around behind a partners back doesn’t work for me. I would end up beating myself up and seeing my affair partner as they truly are, a lying cheat and a terrible option for a life mate. The mistake men make is assuming that women are just like men. Most women do not benefit from casual sex and one night stands. We do develop feelings for the men we have sex with. We naively go along with these notions because we hope and are made to believe that the man targeting us want to move forward with us and they truly think that we are a better fit for them than their original partner.  Men who have affairs really intend to do the deed on the side, get it out of their system, and go back to their wives. Affairs don’t work in women’s favor. It’s a no win situation for the wife or the female affair partner. Affairs can definitely stir up frightening reactions on the partners who are cheated on or get abandoned for a new partner. The police will tell you that the scariest 911 calls they get are domestic violence calks. Domestic violence happens so frequently. Infidelity is the leading cause of the domestic violence situations and can oftentimes be deadly. My Santeria story illustrates this . Be forewarned! You never know how the parties involved in affairs or “mate poaching” will respond, when their partner (and the home wrecking affair partner) betrays them and breaks their heart. 

Educating myself about Venezuela

 I read somewhere that Venezuela does allow for extradition and cooperates with the international extradition of criminals, so that is good to know.

Also, I read this updated travel advisory for Venezuela. Americans are advised not to travel to Venezuela. It is a Level 4 travel danger. Not to nitpick, but one danger that is not mentioned on the advisory, is the danger of being hexed to death by someone who may have upset or who may perceive you to have wronged them, in some way. They must hex the s- out of each other in Venezuela! Knowing what I know about Venezuela and the high percentage of people practicing Santeria there, I will state for myself, marrying someone who is even 1% Venezuelan is a hell no for me. If the person you are marrying says they don’t practice Santeria and most certainly, don’t hex their enemies, who’s to say they are telling the truth? Who’s to say someone in their family isn’t practicing Santeria for their sake either? You never know. There is practicing Santeria on the up and up and using it for revenge and for competetive purposes. I don’t want to condemn all people practicing Santeria because other practitioners may not be using it to harm others. If religion brings you confort and peace of mind, pray away! The malicious magic though, is deceit and manipulating through magic to knock out competition and ensure you achieve your selfish desires. I wonder if the rare, wealthy communities of Venezuela have used witchcraft to attain and maintain love, success, and wealth. 

My advice to you is never marry anyone hastily, who you barely know. You may naively enter into a marriage with high hopes and thinking the best of them. When things get rocky and perhaps, you see a side of them that makes you want to run, you can forget about easily slipping out of that marriage. No one is leaving (certain) Venezuelan marriages, unless their  partner allows them to leave. Leaving certainly won’t be easy and you may be stuck there for however long you are stuck there. Even if you are able to get out of that marriage, there is the additional danger that you could be hexed for the rest of your life. Whether or not, you or anyone around you, realizes it, it may happen. If it is a messy breakup, you can bet that they (the malicious magician) will be watching you and messing with you. You may never be able to prove it or to stop them, but you will always wonder if your misfortunes are naturally occurring or their doing.  Vindictive, sadistic, malicious magicians may pose more harm to the world than we realize.  What’s the good of a third eye, when you only use it for satisfying your selfish desires and to get your sadistic sick kicks?  You definitely do not want to proceed romantically with any potential mates, if you develop suspicions about them. Recognize the red flags and create a Plan B and an  exit plan. Your first instinct can spare you a great amount of trouble and pain, if you listen to it. Take it from me, do not underestimate the potential of romantic rivals or romantic partners to cause you harm. It is best to really work on reading people, to see the worst of them, before making any serious commitments. If they start making creepy jokes or their behavior leaves you awestruck and suspicious, get out while you can! Be forewarned!

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Stringing me along…

 If you say not getting into a serious relationship in college or not keeping in touch with me was your way of not hurting me, confusing me, or stringing me along, your plan backfired majorly. You had a hard time forgetting about me and moving on, even though you were ambivalent about whether you deemed me the right fit for you, knowing all of my issues, after trying to peek in on my life, to study the big picture. The only one of us who had any idea that you still had feelings for me and wanted for me to wait for you was you. Why should I have waited? Because you traveled down to Carlsbad to spy on me? I shouldn’t be flattered and I shouldn’t view it as a great romantic gesture or anything to get excited about. 

I don’t even know you really. In college, you wanted me to be attracted to you and you didn’t want to seem immature and dorky, so you didn’t share much about yourself. You said very little to me, in general.  It seemed like you were hiding details about yourself, to the point of being deceitful. You didn’t want to talk with me, in order to get to know you. You would rather talk to people I know or knew to get secondhand gossip from them. The people you were interviewing barely knew me and could not speak for me. Snooping and mind games are prominent flaws you have that I can see from a mile away. I don’t see the point in you constantly driving past me, with different women in your car. 

You stayed with your wife for sooo long, almost 10 years after she and her family started hexing me. You obviously didn’t believe me and they weren’t hexing you, so you didn’t understand or care. Why weren’t you trying to see if what I was telling people had any truth to it? You don’t care if your wife is a witch? You were down here spying on me but when you saw my fat body and the big picture of my busy life, with three children, you changed your mind every time. “No! I have a great life in Santa Cruz! My wife is thin! We are child free, so she can sexually be at my beck and call!”

You don’t think she got immediately suspicious about all of your random trips down the coast to Carlsbad? You were making trips here from the start of your relationship. She figured out very quickly that you weren’t excited to travel down here to merely see her devils-in-disguise, meddling cousins. It’s weird that they have been so fake to you and so awful to me. You have been oblivious, to how badly they have been messing with me. You are still laughing at me and trying to make me jealous too. I know that all your online photo shoots and the dragging out of your unhappy marriage were a long, drawn out way to get revenge on me for getting married. Is that how you felt? You were jealous, to the point of being angry with me? That’s crazy! How the heck should I have known to wait anyway? 

If I had known and did wait for you, you would have made me wait until 2010 to get pregnant, which would definitely be stringing me along and having to hear me complain or be done with you, for good. I am guessing that you feared a commitment to me and having children would have been stressful and hurt your chances of getting through medical school and getting your career off the ground. You can’t help yourself, though. You are finding any way possible to get under my skin, make me jealous, mess with my mind, and of course string me along. You are still jokingly driving past me, with no seriousness or follow through. You are still married to Maeve. I bet no papers have been signed or even filed. You love running around, ever the actor, with every random woman you can find. Have so much fun with your new girlfriend! I am half heartedly waiting for you to walk into my life. The other half is quite content not having to share my bed with anyone, catering to one more person, and navigating through hard times. Snagging Mr. Wonderful and enjoying the honeymoon phase, with my fabulous cute doctor mate would me great. I know nothing about falling head over heels in love, but I hear it’s a disappointing reality check when you get deeper into the relationship and you see their flaws and maybe second guess your decision to be with this person. It would be very stressful for my children too. Getting a divorce from their other parent and then moving on with someone, who may only be in their life briefly is a heartbreaking thought. Maybe we should reevaluate things and definitely not rush into anything. But do you have to drive past me, while you are on dates or acting like you are? Sheesh! You couldn’t not string me along, if you tried! Here’s to a lifetime more of stringing me along!

Thursday, January 9, 2025

The Los Angeles wildfires

 I’m not saying that I am blaming the Los Angeles wildfires on the U. Family but I am leaning towards the possibility that they are capable of bringing about that much chaos and destruction if they wanted to. The fact that they are convinced no one can stop them so they will do whatever they want to do is concerning. Evil E seems like a menace to society with nothing better to do than to reek small scale and perhaps large scale chaos for kicks and because they simply can. Who would ever know or could ever be able to prove it anyway while they are so far away in Venezuela. Well some are of them are. I still see them around in San Diego sometimes. I think they have the ability to travel back and forth from Venezuela to America whenever they please.

Because I find that they have some sort of clairvoyance with their hexes and spells, I find it to be apathetic to know when certain catastrophes are going to happen ahead of time and not use that information to alert and help people in advance. They really are selfish bastards who are probably sitting back laughing right now. I had one friend who I spent a lot of time with growing up also an aunt and two cousins who lived in Pacific Palisades and it’s upsetting to see the fire destruction that take so much from the residents of Pacific Palisades and everywhere in LA where the fires are raging  

This is related to climate change so DT’s comments on the California fires are angering. He is oblivious and offensive and he knows it. He’s not trying to be nice or play nice. He only cares about himself.

But back to Evil E, I believe he traveled with me in spirit to my last family reunion in Santa Barbara which I believe was two years ago? I remember talking to one of my cousins who grew up in Pacific Palisades and I randomly asked her about the Catholic Church in Pacific Palisades (Corpus Christi) that she attended growing up. My cousin looked at me curious why I was asking that. I think she knew the question may have been coming from a weird place. My family knows what I have been trying to tell them. They are watching me and wondering when things like that happen. The U family reveal themselves sometimes. They give people such scary dark somber vibes. It’s like go home. We invited Danielle to the family reunion. Not you. If they knew her church was going to burn down years before it happened, they are so messed up for just letting it happen and then sitting back and laughing about it later. They are so evil. They may have done that for revenge. They keep trying to get me back for stealing their cousins husband who I am not even with yet and have not touched much less talked to in person since college in the 90’s  Her evil family is thinking “you took something precious from our cousin who she loved and cherished with all her heart, so now we are going to do the same to your cherished cousins to F you all over, mess with your families minds, and show you how we feel! Scary folks! I am sorry these demons blame me for their cousins loveless marriage which brought her evil family into our lives. I feel helpless and to blame for all the bad things that happen to my loved ones because I don’t know if this is naturally occurring or the result of angry idiots hexing me and causing destruction around me.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Rethinking my epiphanies

 The other day I had or thought I had an epiphany about Billy Idols song “Eyes Without A Face.” Now I am thinking it wasn’t my epiphany that I was writing about. It was Esteban’s epiphany and he has a dirty mind! He plays with my mind. He works these evil messed up mind games with me, made more powerful with the use of his very weird and very twisted Santeria spells. I fear that my thoughts that I write or verbalize are not always coming from me. He has a lot influence over my thoughts and the conclusions that I make about many things.

I have expressed that he uses music to mess with my mind. I have been listening to music in my car since I first got my drivers license many years ago. It’s so natural and habitual for me to turn on the radio before I start driving, in anticipation of hearing some of my favorite songs. Esteban has been ruining my fun for years now. He gets a sick kick out of extinguishing all of my enjoyment. He lets me build up my hopes of a good time, only to be left feeling disappointed and sad. I have been feeling insecure lately driving, thanks to this whole mess. I feel like people are looking at me and making fun of the story I am putting out there. A portion of the people don’t believe me, a portion of the people judge me for my role in this, a portion of the people support me, and a portion are just studying me at stop lights to see if they see anything crazy happening with me. They usually see something at stop lights because Esteban loves humiliating me in front of audiences. He gets off on making a laughing stock out of me and having the last laugh.

A lot of the things he does seems minor. It has been barely noticeable for so long that it really has only been super obvious by accident. Esteban wants to do a bunch of crap that is so unnoticeable that he will never get caught so he can continue to mess up my life forever. He hopes nobody believes me or cares about this situation. If he is invisible and extremely careful, no one will ever connect the dots and he will never be accused of more serious illegal activities.

Today at a stoplight, I was listening to Tom Pettys “Into The Great Wide Open,” and Esteban was trying to convince me that when Tom Petty was saying “…and a roadie named Bart,” that he meant Bart Simpson. Was Tom Petty making fun of roadies? I have no idea. Maybe Tom Petty really had a roadie named Bart?! Who knows. The lyric may not have been a Simpsons reference or a joke about roadies. It’s not a super mean way to mess with me. The thing is, I just don’t want to talk to this asshole Esteban. He’s not my friend. He is not someone who I invited into my life, brain, or even into a silly conversation. I don’t want to talk to him, he but he forces me to every day. He inserts himself into my thoughts, without my permission. He spies  on  me with the use of Santeria and tries to manipulate me mentally and physically. I know that much of his evil deeds are far worse than anything you can see for a briefly  at a stoplight. I want to know what things in my life I have screwed up on my own, what things in my life are naturally occurring, and what has been negatively affected by Esteban and the U. family.

I have been smearing this family name for years. I have been detailing this publicly and on my blog here. You would wonder, “why haven’t they filed a case against me for slander?” Because  what I am saying is true and they know it. They don’t want me to countersue them for harassment and injury incurred by their malicious magic. I should have sought the advice of a criminal attorney of my own, years ago. What can we pursue against them to keep them away from me and to prevent them from continuing to mess with me in ways that I may not be aware of. For example, women have children born with Autism every day after a perfect responsible pregnancy. I don’t regret having my beautiful children and they are perfect in my eyes, but I wonder how far back this family has been watching me and messing with different things and people in my life. Before the U. family ever started saying all of the horrible things that they are now saying out loud to me, I believe this family was watching and making subtle changes to my life and health, as well as, to my loved ones. I am an internet sleuth and have been cyber stalking them right back. It always makes me wonder. What year did Trey meet Maeve? When did they start getting serious? When did Maeve start getting the notion that she wanted to marry Trey? Did she use any tricks or ask her families help to ensure they indeed went down the same path together? Did Trey ever mention me? I was just a girl from college and never his girlfriend. But I think when he would travel to Carlsbad thus may have made her suspicious from the start. We never met up or chatted one on one. With Santeria, they figured out what Trey was hiding from them. They knew his secret feelings and activities. Since Maeve’s evil cousins lived down here, they sized him up and saw what he was doing, behind her back. They were probably watching me from back when they were first dating. I think they met late 2007. That family is so crazy. Once one of them are into you, there is no way you are going to get out of that relationship or marriage, unless they let you out. If it’s a bitter break up, you can bet that you are going to get hexed too. I wonder what Trey is hearing or experiencing now that he finally left Maeve. I am scared for him and for me and my friends and family. What retaliation will strike now and how bad will it be? I’m scared and Trey hasn’t even made contact with me yet. I will keep you updated here if and when he does. Or perhaps I will stop posting here publicly at that time.

*** I have been thinking of a word to use instead of Black Magic because it isn’t accurate. Santeria is brown magic or to the U. specifically malicious magic. U. Family Fucked up magic.  Then again I don’t want to offend any Latinos, besides the U. Family specifically. I do want to offend them. They probably would be offended to be referred to as brown because they are very much white passing and full of themselves over their appearance. They wear the  most glamorous and expensive clothes than I have seen in my life. They look very comfortable and carefree in Caracas. I think the U. And G. Families have to be hoarding much of Venezuelas wealth somehow, because the majority of the country is struggling.

Monday, January 6, 2025

Billy Idol: I was today years old

 Like with everything in my life for the past 10 years, (noticeably that is, because this may have gone on for longer. I was just oblivious to it) So today I had an epiphany about the Billie Idol song “Eyes Without A Face.” I remember in college singing along to this song. It was randomly in my head. And some guy looked at me and simply said “Ew!” I had no idea why he would say that to me. I thought he was so rude. For a naive girl like me, I never really thought about what that meant. I just didn’t get it. I was today years old, when I was listening to this song and I finally got it! I mean, I think I got it! I may have only realized this because Esteban was laughing in his head about it. He didn’t use his words though. You would have to be a male to really get or appreciate what Billie Idol was talking about here. Eyes Without A Face? If he isn’t looking at your face, he must be referring to another pair of eyes. At almost 50 I finally understand! I am horrified, but I understand what he is saying. Maybe because my intention was to always keep my fourth eye closed, I was not thinking that I had a second pair of eyes. 

This is why we need more female musicians. Men like to write about sex. If they aren’t writing lyrics about sex or lyrics written with the intention of acquiring sex, what else are they writing about? 

Anyway, I was watching this TikTok where this man was complaining about his loneliness and frustration about how most men that he is encountering, want sex first. The dating and subsequent relationship happen after that initial experience, if the rest happens at all. A boy told me that in college and I didn’t want to believe it. I thought he was playing a trick on me to make me let him do what he wanted with me. I never did. But I do believe that is the order most men (at least secretly) want it to be. They don’t seem that interested in alot of chit chat or taking me on any kind of date, to get to know in a real sense or to be romantic. That puts a lot of pressure on women to make that initial sexual encounter off the charts sexy and memorable. Part of the problem is that teenage boys start to watch porn and get these high expectations of women, in their sexual encounters. Don’t get your hopes up! The average woman is not a porn star or a performer, trying to give you a 4 star experience and feed your ego.  I hate to disappoint you. We all know that if a woman gives it up too quickly, whether they impressed you or not, you judge them as being a whore and quickly move on to your next victim. If you do want to engage with me, look into my eyes! (On my face, that is)

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Small talk about the new year

 People have been asking me the usual New Years questions. What are you doing for New Year’s? Do you have anything fun planned? No. Do you have any big plans for the New Year? Any New Year’s resolutions? No again.

I have been running myself ragged lately because my three children are on winter break. I have been, for the most part, the sole parent to keep the kids fed and entertained. Their father is a lazy hermit, with a bad attitude. He is depressed, as well, and practically bed bound. If he is not in the office at work, he is lying in bed. I fear people will blame me when the bed rot runs its course. It’s not my choice or preference for him to lay in bed all day. The bed is his favorite place to lounge. It’s his choice and it’s his life. I didn’t realize beforehand, that I was marrying Charlie’s grandpa  from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory  Oh, the things you learn after the wedding ceremony, when you actually move in together! Stephen is little help to me with the children and he certainly doesn’t help clean. He is a pack rat, who creates the majority of the mess and clutter, as opposed to cleaning it. 

So what’s going to be different about 2025?  Nothing, most likely. 2025 is going to be exactly the same as 2024. . I am in the exact same place, doing the exact same thing that I did last year. It’s Groundhog Year for me. Every year is basically the same, except I am getting older and I am physically feeling my age. Not much has improved, since I first got hexed. Well ok, I moved back in with my children’s father, so I can be with my children. I love my children and I love living with them full time, so that’s the silver lining. Stephen isn’t so bad either. He helps in some ways. Our relationship is friendly, and we put up with each other fairly well, so that’s good . My father is still alive, so I appreciate that and my other family who live close to me. I have helpful, loving siblings and a fun, supportive group of friends too. I know that I shouldn’t complain or be so pessimistic. I am a glass half empty kind of person, unfortunately. 

My wish for the new year is for the criminal case against my enemies to make progress. Let’s get some evidence together, so we can figure out how to stop them from hexing me and prosecute them. I would like to feel less messed with mentally, by my enemies and by the man who is at the center of this drama. I never got an apology or closure, or got any closer to him. He doesn’t appear to be affected, by what is happening to me. He appears to care less and even find this flattering/amusing. He secretly loves that two women are fighting over him. He has been no help or support to me, throughout this whole ordeal. This begs the question, is he really worth this terrorizing roller coaster? I’m personally not having fun with this. I have enough to do and enough stress in my life already. I’m too busy for this drama! Crappy Poo Year! 

Ok I take that last part back. I am going to be 50 years old on January 27th.  I am going to focus on speaking and acting with maturity and grace starting today. I want to also work on being more positive and optimistic.