Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Telepathy, direct transference of thought from one person (sender or agent) to another (receiver or percipient) without using the usual sensory channels of communication, hence a form of extrasensory perception (ESP)

Many Schizophrenic/Schizoaffective people, including myself, believe in telepathy. When I am psychotic and hearing voices, I am convinced people are sending me messages telepathically. When I had a major psychotic break in 2014, I tried to escape the voices by putting distance between myself and the voices. Unfortunately, this does not work for SZ/SZA people. We cannot walk away from our voices, because they are in our head. I remember flying from California to New York, to escape my voices. Being psychotic and unmedicated, I had a hellish flight. The stress of flying only made my voices worse. I could not get away from my voices. I usually paced around, which I thought was helping me get away from the voices. On a plane, you are confined to your seat, so I was stuck for over 5 hours listening to cruel and antagonizing voices. I worried that my seat neighbor knew I was ill, because I talked to myself on and off throughout the flight. Despite having a great conversation with Axl Rose and possibly convincing him to reunite the band, flying across the country was a complete and agonizing waste of time. Someone recently asked me if traveling to another country would help him escape his voices. I tried the same thing and it doesn't work.

1 comment:

  1. that flight sounds terrible. i feel bad you have to endure that. i don't doubt that you have telepathy. i have it too but its usually more subtle. i think more visually (i'm an artist) so i get pictures/feelings/mood of what people are thinking and i have to fill in the gap with words.
