Friday, August 10, 2018

I am grateful that I have time to post today, because my children's therapists are here. I wanted to dedicate my blog post to them. They are great people. A few years ago, I thought I was being hexed by two Venezuelan-American people, along with their ringleader, a Caucasian stranger. Anyway, at the time, I was not taking my psychiatric medications and I believed their spirits were hexing my house negatively. I went on a few silly ventures, to rid their spirits from me and my family/home. Nothing worked for controlling the voices and delusions, except good psychiatric care and medication.

Oddly enough, I have noticed that what I was doing in 2014, has become a resurging, American trend. (ie calling 911 on people of different races/cultures) I think my biggest problem and my social misunderstandings came, in part, from not having enough Mexican or Latin American friends close to me. My mother had a brain aneurysm in 2014. Through that hardship, my family met a host of great Mexican caregivers who love my mother and take care of her every need. My mother's caregivers have become great family friends. They look after, love, say prayers for, and bless my whole family. They are very spiritual, wonderful people.

Then, a few months ago, I secured ABA therapy for my Autistic children. Into our lives and home, walked Roberto and Elizabeth. It was a nice surprise and blessing to meet them. I am not sure whether they are from Mexico or Latin America. I asked Roberto where he was from once, and he said "Colorado." LOL  So you just never know.  The sweet, young adults who work with my children are Godsends who fill our house with their wisdom, love, and care. They are teaching my children proper social interactions and provide a break/relief to me. I do not think my house is being hexed anymore, in fact, I believe it is filled with a village of love.

I feel silly for my past headspace, and want to spread the word that this trend of fearing cultures, races, and religions, different from yourself has got to stop. It is silly from the start and has gotten way out of hand. Get to know people who are different from you, in order to get past those initial, superficial differences, and see how similar you really are.

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