Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Thinking about the murder of George Floyd...

Leigh: Your nose bled tonight, like George Floyd...only you bled, because you were picking your nose. Stupid bitch. You should post our jokes of you...the jokes that you are too embarrassed to share. George Floyd is your destiny, so be forewarned.

Federica: Stupid bitch. Your white privilege makes me sick, so be forewarned. You are our enemy, so be forewarned. You're being hexed, so be forewarned. You are racist, no matter how hard you try to deny it! I hate her so much, so be forewarned. You have blood on your shirt! Disgusting! You are not psychic. You are psycho. You are my enemy, so be forewarned!

Esteban: Esteban is here to say, that you are a moron, so be forewarned! 

Leigh: Get a life...away from Keith Spellman!

Federica: George Floyd is your destiny! That's not a veiled threat. That's just a threat! No one knows what we are doing and you can't prove it anyway! No one would EVER believe you, so just deal with our voices and don't push your luck! Ha Ha Ha!

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