Wednesday, December 13, 2017


So I was just on this other website chatting with other mentally ill people and the question was asked "Have you ever been embarrassed or made a fool of yourself because of your mental illness?" I thought of two incidences real quick that were funny, but embarrassing. I forgot to mention either of these in my book. (Oh well)

So first, when I was not taking my medication, I was driving around, trying to escape the voices, and get spiritual help. So I drove to the Mission San Luis Rey in Oceanside. I wanted to speak to a priest but it was night time and they were all asleep or something. I saw this big family having a party. They were Mexican-American and postively Catholic. I walked up to them and started asking people if they practiced Santeria or if they knew anyone that did. I think one guy looked it up on his phone, having no idea what I was talking about. There was a time when I asked anyone that looked Latin if they could help me. They were all Catholic. Needless to say, I was eventually told that this was a private party and asked to leave. I walked away sulking. I actually believed someone there would be able to help a Catholic mission.

So I also drove out to Gila Bend, Arizona, without my purse, until I ran out of gas. I had driven all night. I was exhausted. The voices had been messing with me all night. I saw a dingy motel on the side of the road. Esteban had been messing with me the whole drive and out of nowhere I started talking to the front desk staff about the comedian, Tom Green. Esteban told me to ask them if Tom Green was staying there. I told them that Tom Green had reserved a motel room there and I was supposed to meet him there. The girls at the front desk had a good laugh over that. They told me that there was no Tom Green staying there.  Out of all the places in the world, Tom Green was not there. I am guessing he has never even been there. It is a hole in the wall.

So there you go, two times I was embarrassed by my mental illness.

Joke of the day: Two schizophrenics walk into a bar and one asks the other 'what are you doing here'
the other person says 'i thought you'd know.'

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