Wednesday, April 3, 2019

I responded to a poll on Facebook about the worst movie I ever saw. I would have to say any of the sex romp comedies of the 1980's take the prize for that. I always thought to myself, "How did the movie Zapped ever get made? If that movie can get made, maybe I can make a movie one day." 

Zapped was morally reprehensible. It objectified women. I believe it had a terrible influence on myself and the boys I grew up with in the 1980's.  The funny thing is that the star of Zapped, Scott Baio, now portrays himself as this conservative Mr. Wonderful. Well Mr. Wonderful has a past and it isn't pretty. Blech! Zapped is hands down, the worst movie ever made!

In this b.s. movie, a teenage chemistry student has an accident in the lab, that leaves him with magical powers. He uses his powers to get females naked, get revenge on his enemies etc. (Totally silly/gross b.s.)

My movie, The Voices, would be a giant step up from Zapped, if it ever got made! Zapped is my benchmark for what I can create. I know that I make a better movie than Zapped! LOL

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