Wednesday, November 14, 2018

I found this article about the causes of Schizophrenia and it checked off every box with me. "Yes, I had a stress-filled childhood, a bad drug trip in college, and of course faulty genes." 

1. I never knew, as a child, that my great-grandfather died in a mental hospital. No one ever knew for sure what mental illness he was diagnosed with, or why he was committed. (other than for an out-of-control temper) So my mental illness genes were always there. However, I never knew about it, so that knowledge did not help me. 

2. My childhood experience involved a bit of bullying from classmates and stress at home, as well. I came from a household where there were some physical altercations, 99% of which I escaped, but still witnessed. I have a tremendous amount of guilt for receiving the lionshare of positive attention from my parents. I also felt helpless when my siblings got roughed up. I grew up to be very passive, as a result of that. My mother never understood why I have always been so passive and shy. My childhood and upbringing has a lot to do with it. I remember my Mom tried to help me out later in life, by signing me up for an Assertiveness Training Class, at Santa Monica College. I ended up ditching the class and never got the help I needed with that.

3. I know that I sound like a broken record, but had I known about marijuana and other drugs possibly triggering schizophrenia, I would have never have traveled down that road. Having mental illness in my family was never discussed. I was completely ignorant, in my adolescence, to the dangers of marijuana and the other drugs I progressed to experimenting with. I want to spread the message that marijuana is not a harmless, cure-all drug. There are some dangers to it's users, especially to adolescent users, whose brains are still developing.

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