Thursday, December 1, 2022

My only friend for many many years

 Val: So Stephen has a sore throat and is convinced that he has leukemia. What does his supportive wife think? That he is a big baby? What is your real concern here? He hates you, for refusing him sexual intercourse and for looking around so much at other men. If he dies, you can be assured that he will leave you nothing, so be forewarned! You are not married to him, he has no will, and he is in debt, so you are screwed. Be forewarned!

Matt: Maybe you should turn the lights off and go through with it already. If you turn up the heat, he may reconsider and leave you whatever he has. Being the conniving bitch that I know you are, I am sure you can secure that money. Make sure you start massaging him before it is too late and he is an invalid, unable to sign your checks. That day will definitely come, so be forewarned! And don’t start screwing around, before he passes away, because he will get that message from somewhere. Remember the old Eagles song, “You can’t hide your lying eyes and your smile is a thin disguise.” Stephen is a smart man. He knows what is going on with you and that is why you will get nothing from him, in the end. Be forewarned!

For the longest time, Stephen was my only friend. He suffers from anxiety and thinks that he has leukemia now. It’s a scary and unnerving time.

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