Saturday, September 8, 2018

Or it could be synchronicity...

Why do other people hear my thoughts and know what I am thinking?

"You are a hologram, a fractal, others speak your thoughts because you are them and they are you.
Jung wrote a lot of this phenomenon called synchronicity."- quoted from

Wikipedia is like Cliff Notes. It explains everything so well that I rarely go to the effort to read the actual book. It would help if I went to a library and reasearched this a bit more before I start posting about things like this.

Someone was discussing the illuminati today and started bashing Elon Musk on my therapy site. They believe that Elon Musk is a diabolical genius who is intentionally driving his company into the ground.

I believe Elon Musk is having a mental breakdown. I do not appreciate Joe Rogan giving him marijuana to exacerbate his breakdown. When I was in college and shortly after, I was falling into my depression and my mental illness was taking shape. I believe people sensed this and would offer me marijuana to get me to say "crazy" and silly things. Marijuana made my behavior more bizarre and everyone would watch me like a caged animal. I didn't appreciate it then and I recognize it now when it is being done to other people. Joe Rogan is a putz who would do anything for ratings!

While I am on my soap box, I was just blogging about how offensive it is that people throw around the term "crazy" so casually. I am definately not a fan of Trump, but "Dream Crazy?" Come on Nike! You can think of a less offensive slogan than this.

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