Saturday, May 4, 2019

I just saw a Twitter post lamenting the fact that they are taking psych meds and complaining about the adverse health effects they suffer because of it. I admit I also suffer from adverse side effects. But I have schizoaffective disorder, which is considered a MAJOR mental illness, and adverse side effects go with the territory. I am overweight. I have high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I attribute that to my meds but I still need to take my meds. I don't have that choice whether or not to take my meds. If you come to my blog, you will get a good mothering nag to take your meds people! That is my motto.

No one hesitates to term schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder  MAJOR mental illnesses, which shocked and offended me, when I was first diagnosed. So, if SZ/SZA are major mental illnesses, what are the minor mental illnesses? I often wonder if the people lamenting whether or not to take their meds have MINOR mental illnesses, like anxiety or something. Is it fair to classify anxiety, as a MINOR mental illness? People with minor mental illnesses, who debate whether or not to take their meds, aren't really my people. 

I am in this for the long haul and taking my meds will always be VERY NECESSARY for me to function. on a daily basis.  It would be dangerous and irresponsible for me or anyone with a MAJOR mental illness to go off meds. It isn't an option that we have, so I repeat, TAKE YOUR MEDS!

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