Friday, June 24, 2022

There is something inside of me

There is something inside of me. It could be a splinter…or it could be an alien. I went to MedHero Urgent Care and realized, while talking to the nurse, that this situation isn’t exactly urgent. The nurse replied, “so send back the ambulance?” Ha!  The nurse looks at my finger and says “so we probably won’t have to amputate. It looks angry though.”…and leaves me alone in the room, thinking about that scenario. Eventually the doctor came in, removed the splinter, swabbed some pus, and sent it to the lab. I am home now and still alive.

What a day with the alarming and unfair Roe V Wade decision. Most people in the United States are proChoice. We are just unrepresented in the Supreme Court. I  have always been proChoice myself as much as I have to hide it from certain family/people. I have always been a Democrat and I always vote! So there! I am not a hypocrite! I have had an abortion myself. Ok 2 abortions. Teenagers and young adults need access to sex education and birth control. If society tries to ignore the issue it doesn’t go away. Women should be able to have a choice. That is what I believe but don’t come for me for not shouting it from the rooftops or wearing the t shirt. I am not a confrontational person by nature. I am also not trying to convert anyone to my religion, so lucky you! I think Pope Francis should start a new religion of love and acceptance but that’s just me. Democrats, get out and vote!! 

Someone wearing a “I want a Planned Parenthood” tshirt was just mad dogging me at Vons. Do not size people up and assume what side of the abortion debate they are on. I thought they were going to mess with me. Don’t assume. Don’t be that person and give someone hell who actually agrees with you. 

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