Saturday, April 21, 2018

I watched Mean Girls for 20 minutes tonight and got ill. Lindsey Lohan's character called her love interest "Regina's property." OMG my psychosis is taken straight from Mean Girls or I am really being hexed. I am 43 and dislike that movie because it reminds me too much of high school. It is also drives me away from female friendships, which is sad. I shouldn't be afraid of other females. Because I am 43 and the movie did not rock my world necessarily, I do not know why these foreign, younger voices haunt me. Leigh is a mean girl. She probably loves that movie and quotes it constantly. At least, her internal voice quotes Mean Girls. It is scary and hellish. Leigh, Esteban, and Federica are all about 10 years younger than me. They are from the Mean Girls generation (the Millennials) and probably do quote that movie in real life.

I was woke up the other night by two external male voices. They sounded like they were in my front yard. One of them said, "No...she will call 911." You guessed it guys! I would do that.


  1. lol, you are so funny! it's true. i think the millennial lack virtue, which causes them to act the way they do - it's very bad. i'm over them and you will get there. just keep hating them and it will go away eventually.
