Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Someone asked the question today, "Do you think understimulation triggers psychosis?" From my expererience, boredom and quiet can trigger psychosis. If you are an unmedicated or treatment-resistant schizophrenic, having nothing to do and no one to talk to can trigger psychosis. But it is a situation where you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. Whether you are bored to tears or super stressed, you are going to hear voices. Any extreme is bad for us. I personally get triggered when I am overstimulated. If I am stressed out, or in a large crowd of people, I can start hearing voices. When I hear too many conversations going on at once, it can trigger my internal voices.

This weekend, my friends want to go to a bustling, local, street fair. It sounds like fun. I want to go with them. However, I do expect to hear voices and I plan to take a Xanax (in addition to my antipsychotic) beforehand.  I really do not know what to expect this weekend. The last two times I went to fairs, I heard voices the entire time. It really ruined the fun day I had anticipated. In the end, the stress of the large crowds, finding parking, and navigating the fair had me anxious to leave. After a stressful excursion like that, it can take hours to quiet the voices. I will keep you posted on my experiences at the Street Fair this weekend. I am hoping and praying for a day free of voices!

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