Saturday, May 26, 2018

Today I heard the news about American hostage, in Venezuela, Joshua Holt and his wife were released today. This was described as a "goodwill gesture" by Venezuelan officials. I have to say that this is the first I heard of Joshua Holt and his story.  This proves my point that racism can come from any one and any where. My psychosis seems so racist because I believe these Venezuelan Americans are hexing me. Do Venezuelans actually hate Americans? Venezuelans have a history of detaining "gringos." The rumor is that Venezuelans do not like gringos traveling in their country. Joshua Holt stood out, as he had blond hair and blue eyes.  I am fortunate not to have traveled to Venezuela while psychotic. That would have been bad. My dark features may have blended in, but my poor Spanish language skills and the whole story of my psychosis could have gotten me in serious trouble. I am happy to hear of their release but also shocked that this was resolved under Donald Trump's presidency. I did not vote for Donald Trump and disagree with his policies. In a strange way, Donald Trump's racism has shown a light on racism. The Venezuelans officials may not want to appear racist. They want to be viewed in a good light so they released Joshua Holt and his wife. I cannot believe this happened under Donald Trump's presidency but I am grateful for it. Did Donald Trump prompt a change of heart in Venezuelan officials?

For safety reasons,  I will not be traveling to Venezuela any time soon. I think that would be a bad idea, but I am sure the beaches are lovely and the food is delicious.  I do want to visit Latin America someday. I want to visit Brazil and take a picture with Christ the Redeemer statue. :)

1 comment:

  1. i have never understood racism. i just don't have any racist thoughts, ideas, feelings, or anything. i think it gets blown out of proportion these days and people are quick to bring up race with the smallest of incident, when actually there's not much racists (true, adherents to racism) left in the world. we're all family and brothers and sisters. we all bleed and breathe oxygen. but at the same time we respect each cultures distinct way of behaving. I guess we don't give people enough credit... everyone is not hateful, or racists, or homophobic, and so on.
