Thursday, December 23, 2021

1/2 ( a poem)

Having to put in

Twice the effort

To get 1/2 the results

Wears you down

***I didn’t write this. My friend Everhopeful did. It actually reminds me of my Autistic children who work so hard and struggle more than neurotypical people. People with Autism are not less than though. They are unique and I hope the world takes note to be more compassionate and loving, as Autistic people are.

Tonight my son with Autism said, “maybe Santa will come to my house if I got rid of my Autism.” It broke my heart. He began saying this prayer every night before bed:

“Jesus Christ, please help me get rid of my Autism. Amen!”

I hope that my son improves, through the coming years, as it is hard to watch him struggle. He knows that he has behavioral struggles and general challenges in life, as a result of his Autism. He also has the insight to want help overcoming his challenges and wants to rid himself of Autism.  My son would relate to this poem. Why does he have to struggle so much and work harder than the next guy only to be disappointed by comparison?

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