Monday, August 8, 2022

Venting about high schools

 I have two daughters in two different local high schools and there seems to be some differences between the two high schools. Like everyone always says in general LCC is the athletic school and SDA is more artsy. My oldest goes to LCC where the program that best fits her needs is located. We like LCC and their attempts at inclusion for my special needs child. The parents are generally nice there.

My second daughter was assigned to go to SDA as the program that suits her needs is there. General Ed parents frickin love SDA. They fight to get their general Ed children in this school. The children there are very artistic and expressive in their quirkiness. A lot of them have different color dyed hair and cool style. They are definitely experimenting and different in general. I am sure that my daughter with Autism and mild mental health issues will feel comfortable with the other kids here. Actually it is the general Ed volunteering parents who scare me. They are proud, condescending and exclusive. They keep giving me dirty looks and looking at my daughter like she is crazy and unwanted at SDA. My daughter is in the Seaside Academy on SDA campus. Are the meddling nothing better to do general Ed parents trying to rid our program from their beloved campus?  Where are we supposed to get an education if everyone is scared of our children? I wonder. I want to protect my daughter from snooty self righteous general Ed parents. If you think my daughter is any worse off than the rest of the purple-haired questioning teenagers at SDA, you are completely wrong! I have to keep my mouth shut though because every other parent there thinks SDA is this perfect school and to fit in, you have to act like you think so too. Ok End of rant.

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