Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Can’t wait

 This is me and my man on vacation! San Diego is loving to hate me! You people need to get a life! I could rip you to shreds verbally so fast. Some of you women need to say it to my face, you know with your actual words,. Do you want to know what an actual hard punch to the face feels like? Keep it up and you ‘ll soon find out! I hate you all, especially the evil witches who dragged my name through the mud. This smear campaign quickly signaled these angry, aggressive sharks to approach and attack.  Unfortunately for them, I can and will defend myself.  Yup! Just call me Mick Fanning! I know, we have so much in common. Neither one of us is afraid  to punch sharks! .I am not bluffing either! Try me! You bitches have a lot to say when you are safe in your car and just driving past me. I dare you to break the fourth wall and confront me, in person, since you have such a huge problem with me. Anyway, I can’t wait until Keith and I move the hell on together, so on you all can just eat my dust! Bye, bitches!! Back to the daydream!

Maeve: Ha! Yes, it’s a feeding frenzy, Danielle, and it’s going just as we planned!! Be forewarned!

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