Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Shaun White and I

Sometime after I moved to Carlsbad in 1999, I remember hearing about Shaun White, who became a local hometown hero, for winning the snowboarding gold at the Olympics. I even watched his episode of MTV Cribs, where I noticed that he lived just down the street from me. Anyway I only saw him once, in person, before he moved up to LA. He was being driven around in a van and he seriously slinked down in his seat, hiding ,when I recognized him. At first I thought he knew I am crazy. It was about me, personally, which offended me. At the time, that  was most likely, not true. I was thinking he must be so full of himself, assuming that I was going to mob him and chase after him. I mean, I moved to Carlsbad from Brentwood where Keifer Sutherland and John Travolta were my neighbors. I never met them, but still I don’t get star struck very easily. I also know that they don’t want to deal with fans really ever. Now, I get more what Shaun White dealt with, while living around here. He brought home Olympic gold but I bet all the jealous people of Carlsbad/Encinitas gave him a ton of shit,, trying to put him in his place, just to make themselves feel better about theirmselves.  It was their own lack of achievement and celebrity status that are them up  when they saw Shaun White. . It probably wasn’t always respectful of his accomplishment, which would  probably shock and offend him. Poor guy ! I am infamous around here, (not famous) but I get hated on everywhere I turn. My most noticeable physical imperfection and insecurity that everyone keeps pointing out to me is my botched, overgrown double chin. (Thank you Dermacare Carlsbad, by the way, for at least doubling the size of my under chin fat.)  I know Shaun White got mocked for his bright red hair. He was “The Flying Tomato,” right?  Yes, Shaun White and I have so many similarities. I feel you, Shaun White. I would move back to LA if I could too, so I could live as  incognito and unbothered as possible.

Update: Did you know that Shaun has dyed his hair dark brown? Now he can walk around more incognito and you can’t make fun of his red hair anymore, can you?

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