Tuesday, September 17, 2024


 I do want to move out of fat phobic San Diego, but I won’t say where to, because, you know, stalkers gonna stalk. I can’t move away from my voices or my problems because I am being messed with by random people from San Diego to LA at this point. I am famous or infamous for the worst reasons possible. Being hexed and my reputation distorted and smeared by Maeve and her witch family has been a great contribution to my life and mental wellbeing! I think my ego is definitely in check. I don’t need help from strangers. I’m sorry you are heartbroken and you hate your life, oh random people driving past me. I only have to apologize to the wife of Trey really but I know you paint me as the villain in all of your lives too. Save me from you dumping all of your childhood trauma on me. This has nothing to do with you. Do you think that me, being the center of a Truman show is just hilarious? I know some of you assholes are actually rooting for the witch bitch and her family. Wouldn’t it be just fantastic for this hex to drag on forever, with no consequences to the actual witches? It’s my own little hell on Earth, struggling with my mental health, all the while, being judged and hated by all of the miserable losers of the world. Is it ok for me to feel good about myself and you know, have a healthy self esteem? You all seem hate-filled and a little jelly. Why does my story and my situation trigger you so much? You paint me as this full on home wrecker. You are the ones with zero sympathy, for poking fun and seriously messing with someone who you know has schizoaffective disorder. Who are you to judge? These people have obviously been dumped by their partners and are still trying to figure out why. It’s not my fault that you are stressing over whether your partner is unhappy and looking to move on. Whats wrong with realizing someone is “the one who got away” and your feelings for them have never changed?  So, just stay in your unhappy marriage, so as not to hurt your partners feelings? Many of you are in boring, loveless marriages, but you just want to sit back and judge. You all suck, but I guess you are going to continue to blame me for your life’s problems and continue the witch-hunt. Remember, dumped losers and insecure married couples, in my neighborhood, I am not coming for you and your old fart husband so…relax! But thanks for reading and sharing my blog, buying my book, and just devouring my story, stalkers and cheapskates!

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