Tuesday, September 10, 2024

It’s not my fault…

 To all the people feeling brave and trying to humiliate me by pulling on their own under chin fat, while driving past me, it’s not my fault! It’s not my fault that you are ugly. It’s not my fault that you are involuntarily celibate. It’s not my fault that your wife cheated on you or left you for someone rich, good looking, nice, and just all around better than you! I mean, can you blame her? Since when did I become the scapegoat for everyone else’s failed marriages? I don’t apologize for feeling that someone else’s husband is my “one that got away” and for being upset over it. He obviously feels the same way, because he is here now, and not in Santa Cruz with Maeve. He was the one who started appearing here to tempt me and to send me some sort of message. (That no one believed was real)  He started it, by checking on me here and trying to get my attention. I never once traveled to Santa Cruz to do that. I don’t care what you think truly, but who are you to judge? I don’t know these people at all. They are complete strangers who are looking at me with hate in their eyes and mocking me. I am funnier than you, though. If it weren’t so unexpected, it wouldn’t be so frustrating. I never saw that man with the ugly, dirty, flat, mousy brown hair until he started shit with me today. It’s on though! You are ugly in my book!  You are just an ugly incel with misogynistic hate in your head and in your cold heart! I hope women continue to reject your sexual advances! I wish you a lifetime filled with sexual rejection and masturbation, as your only sexual outlet!!

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