Tuesday, September 3, 2024

My Sprouts La Costa adventure today

 I do wonder if local Latino people read my blog and despise what I am writing here. I get dirty looks all the time from Latinos, but I actually have since I moved to Carlsbad in 1999. This was before I started having issues with Maeve and before I wrote my book or started this blog. This is just the way it is. I feel racial tension here in Carlsbad that other people may not notice or care about at all. I used to shop at a Ralph’s, by my parents house, and I thought everyone who worked there hated me, well they were jealous of me, for sure. I remember when I got engaged, I went grocery shopping for the first time, wearing my engagement ring, and this Latin woman who worked there but was never friendly to me, grabbed my hand to get a closer look at my ring, and she made some comment which only came across as weird and jealous.  I went shopping there with my sister once. I told her that no employee there had ever been friendly to me. She said, “Of course they aren’t. They work at Ralph’s. They hate their job and their life.” It was shockingly rude to say that, while they were in earshot, but it’s true nevertheless. I don’t think you are required to be cordial, much less friendly, while working as a cashier or bagger at certain grocery stores. 

Today I got so much jealous energy, by basically every employee, at Sprouts La Costa. I know there are cameras everywhere. Is anyone going to check the employees on their attitude problem? Who hired them and do the employees ever get disciplined for rudeness to customers? I wonder. I also thought I heard a female employee call me a bitch as I left? Employees are going to push me as far as they can, if they think they can get away with it.  I feel like, I don’t give off Karen vibes (although they do) so I won’t blow my stack in public or even speak to the manager. Therein lies the problem. I look somewhat Latin or more Italian really and possibly I look rich/spoiled to people . That bothers people who see me as someone somewhat Latin but much more well off financially. Oh well! I can’t control their jealousy. It is what it is. It’s disappointing because I feel so much cooler than the more white, entitled folks, but instead of appreciating that I am not hassling them over anything, they take out their jealous aggression on me. It sucks, but I am used to it. It trips me out that people take jobs in La Costa when they actually despise wealthy, white people, even the ones not making waves for them or giving them bad vibes.

OK, no one wants my two cents on professionalism when, as of this year, I have not worked professionally for 20 years, but I thought it was a given that people were supposed to hide their hatred of their job, the customers there, and life, in general, to remain employed. You can’t bring your problems and bad attitude to work, but I guess if everyone else at your work is in cahoots with you, you can get away with it? There is a joke about using a fake voice for customer service jobs and I would prefer an obviously fake, friendly and professional customer service voice/attitude than what I get at certain stores. I still love Gelsons though, as I know they appreciate my business and everyone there is polite, pleasant, and just genuinely nice.

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