Thursday, September 19, 2024

Weird lesbians stalking me

 Now I am being targeted by lesbians. There are these low key closeted lesbians driving around Carlsbad, who are obsessed with me. Is acting out Mean Girls a thing for adult women, even lesbian women nowadays? I just saw the meanest random lesbian drive by. She was thin with no fat whatsoever under her chin so she lifted her chin upwards to show it off and rub it in my face. Lady, I am not checking for you or lesbians/women in general. We are obviously not in competition for the same men. The men who are attracted to me would not be attracted to you. You are obviously on the prowl for women. Stop trying to join in on the cruelty and being obsessed with me! Please leave me the hell alone, just keep it moving, and quit being such a hater! Weird!

It sucks that The Truman Show ended so abruptly.  You never get to see the lingering psychological effects that he experienced from being set up, lied to by everyone he knew, and by having his reality come crashing down around him. Not to mention the embarrassment he experienced realizing that he was being filmed and broadcasted live to the public for humor and entertainment. This sucks, because no one cares what I am feeling . It’s like I am a really tv character who people despise, like Tom Sandoval or now even Dave Grohl. Are these random strangers trying to get attention or be a part of this weird thing I am at the center of? Wouldn’t it be a hoot to humiliate Danielle and then read her blog roast as she attempts to get me back? “I hate her so much! I don’t know Danielle in real life, but I feel like I hate her. What a bitch!’

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