Sunday, September 29, 2024

Nightmare man (and I do mean Matteo)

 I am still crying out for help to anyone who is reading this.and can help me  (the police mainly) I am getting a lot of interest, hate, and ridicule for my situation here, but no real help. Is there anyone out there reading this, that is interested in investigating whether or not this hexing is actually happening? Is there a way to stop it? I had a horrible dream last night that I was being strangled. I felt like Matteo was trying to scare me and send me a message that he was very powerful, very evil, and very angry. I even heard the words, “I could kill you, if I wanted to.” I know the thought of that is far fetched. I am a voice hearing psychotic woman.  I am living in  California, while Matteo has moved back to Venezuela. I sound like a racist Karen who is making this up and trying to spread hate and fearmongering towards the Latin/Hispanic community. I know this looks bad and is open to interpretation, depending on whether you believe this or not. I don’t know the ins and outs of Santeria. Anything is possible though, in my opinion. I do believe that Trey left Maeve and is now in Carlsbad, although he has not made contact with me yet. I would be scared to take the next step anyway ,as it  would be stressful and dangerous for us and for my loved ones, I fear.  It’s too soon for that. Maeve is heartbroken, bitter , and the two are still technically married. This new development has led  to an uptick in anger, bad vibes and chaos surrounding me. People are reading and sharing my story,  but not publicly following me. No one has the balls to say it to my face. Would someone care to tell me, how you all know my story well enough to spit venom at me,? No one is publicly following my blog. No one is filling me in on who is smearing my name,. No one will alert authorities about my situation, so they can possibly help me?Also, calm down, people! It’s not like I had an actual affair. You are cruel, as well! What hypocrites you all are! You feel that I am heartless and am at fault here. Yes, Trey may have ultimately chosen me over Maeve,  so you feel sympathy for Maeve and side with her. Fair enough. But the hatred and fear coming from you all is crazy. To the random men, weighing in on my appearance and my weight, f -you and take a good look in the mirror. Obviously I am not checking for you,. It really doesn’t matter what you think anyway. Every man wants to be that callous asshole who says that I am not all that and they would never leave their woman for me. “She’s fat. She has a double chin.” Yada yada. That’s the part that really gets people. That Trey left his wife for a heavier woman who is closer to his age,  and speculating that it is probably for some sexual reason. 

This idea rattles and threatens the other random women who see me out and about too.  They hug their man tighter, when they see me. They scoff at me. They insult me. They compare themselves to me. They judge me. You  women can calm down,  because I am  obviously not interested in your man, anyway . I have been made into this villainous home wrecker, who you all need to be wary of. A lot of the women in my neighborhood are rich bitches, who I wouldn’t want to be friends with anyway, so snub on! I am snubbing you right back. Married women always snub  the divorced/single women around them. This is nothing new to me. I see you and all of your insecurities! This situation though, has been made into the biggest deal, that no one actually wants to help me with. I hope you  (the public) are just so amused! Meanwhile Matteo, whose Instagram is filled with photos of him just relaxing and blissfully languishing on the beaches of Caracas, I hope the temperature is turned up for you exponentially. You can burn in hell, asshole. I know that you really do practice Santeria and you are actively hexing me. I hope that karma eventually gets to you, if not the law!

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