Thursday, September 19, 2024

I apologize

 I apologize that your parents got divorced when you were 6 years old. I apologize that your husband or wife left you. I apologize that you lost all of the hair on your head and are now completely bald! I apologize that you can’t get a good paying job or get a nice car. I apologize that you can’t forgive your ex and that you see them in me and my story. You are unfairly blaming me and transferring all of your own issues and negativity onto me. Why is everyone staring at me, motioning to me, and making fun of me? Complete strangers think they know me and are talking about me. I can’t put my finger on who conjured all of this up? Who could it be? It’s a mystery! I absolutely do know though. Don’t come for me, so close to Halloween! It’s witch hunting season, so I must declare that I am not a witch. I am not the witch in this story, but I will sure as hell, point the way to the actual witch!

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