Sunday, July 17, 2022

A sense of humor

People probably wonder why I make so many jokes on my blog, about my serious mental illness. I have to say, that I frequently get agitated hearing voices and feeling that people are purposely messing with me. When I hallucinate seeing Trey and famous people driving past me, I am just puzzled. I feel like I have the Truman show delusion, where everyone is watching me and I am not in on the joke. I make jokes to deal with my situation. When I am feeling perplexed and stalked and hexed, making jokes, in reflection, helps me the most. Writing about my situation and sharing it publicly helps spread awareness about schizoaffective disorder. I am not trying to make a joke of mental health issues. I am trying to deal with my situation the best way I know how. I want to prove to everyone that people living with psychosis are not the monsters that we are made out to be. I feel that I am a regular person, expected to function normally, and be a caregiver to others. I am a mother to three children and have an aging father. I have many challenges, but I am actually functioning quite well in real life.  My sense of humor about my situation just happens to be a strength of mine.

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