Friday, July 1, 2022

Malicious voices attack again

Val: You have no idea how much we appreciate you Americanizing our names. It distances us from the Santeria. Seriously, it doesn’t matter to me. You are just so fake. You are pushing your racism deep down inside. Instead of letting it out, for the whole world to see. That’s worse, actually, because you are trying to front like you are so innocent and like you are becoming a better person because of this experience. We don’t want you to look good at all! We want you to look like the true bitch that you are! Never mind, no one reading this thinks highly of you anyway and no one believes you. You are just a nut job. Also, just to let you know, you won’t be hobnobbing with the stars any time soon because no one is reading this, so be forewarned!

Maeve: You will notice that I am not posting on social media lately. It is because I am very busy with my perfect life with Trey and not because I am threatened by you in any way. No. You don’t make me uncomfortable at all! Feel free to peruse what I post publicly. It won’t change your circumstances anyway. Knock yourself out! You will start to feel jealous very soon when I post our next blissfully happy couple photo. We are truly living the dream. So eat your heart out! I hope that you will turn green with envy when I do post. If you keep looking at my photos, you could stay green for good. One can only hope. Be forewarned!

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